Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Re-working old pieces...

blurry iphone pic. Sorry!

In a flood of creativity, it’s fun to lift my head and step back to see everything I’m working on at one time. I finish one painting and three more start in its place. Pretty incredible.

I have about 4 canvases that I didn’t like and I had put away so as not to stop my flow. Now, I’m re-working them, painting over them, finding new ways to use the textures. I didn’t want them to go to waste, and I like the texture. So I’ve been letting go of the parts of these paintings I liked and just letting other things come to fruition. It’s tough to let go, but I am loving the results.

Above is one of the re-worked, in progress paintings. It's so blurry...stupid phone pics. The white pieces of paper are a quote by Rumi.

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