Wednesday, July 31, 2013

inspiration in a rap song

I spend about an hour a day in the car commuting to work, which means I listen to a lot of radio. I have a CD player, too, but mostly I ignore it for the radio. As I was driving home last night I was listening to a fairly new song by Macklemore called Same Love. It's about a gay person's right to marry, at its core. And for that, I call it beautiful.

There's a lyric there that I was just blown away by, and fully inspired: "Underneath, it's all the same love." It was unfortunate that I was in the car, because I had no way to start writing. So, I took a pen and wrote on my leg:

This is great to me because I took the lyric one step further in my head. We're all the same love underneath our skin. We're all made of love, all capable of strong, unconditional, beautiful, inspiring love. Doesn't matter what we believe, look like, where we live, what we do: We are all the same. love. we are love. wonderful!

Here's the video if you're interested:

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