Tuesday, June 25, 2013

In progress: teal and burgundy 12x12 painting + 1

I’ll admit, this one I’m making for our home. I’ve loved the color burgundy for years. My décor is all about this color, but I have a color mistress. The deep beautiful teal. It began creeping in after our wedding in October and since, I’ve realized that I want both in our house. My main thought for colors are dark teal, cranberry/burgundy and then during the holidays I’ll bring in purples.

via design-seeds.com

via design-seeds.com

So, I started this one recently.

Confession: I just love it when I have decoupage all over my fingers and underneath my nails and I have to peel it off. Makes me feel like a snake! I remember as a little girl covering my hands in Elmer’s glue just so I could peel it. Guess I haven’t changed that much!  Also, the smell of decoupage is very familiar to me. I can’t place the memory, but I believe it’s the stuff my mom used to use for crafty projects while I was growing up. Crazy how smells do that, huh?

This is the other in progress I started recently. That’s a sort of burlap ribbon stuff that makes a cool grid.

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