Monday, September 30, 2013

In which I dream…

One of my favorites. Prints available.

I miss water. The kind that laps up the sand, tickling feet. The kind that has a roar or a hush. A definite, defiant rhythm. Sometimes, it feels as though my heart is beating in time to waves. The sound tugs at me, willing me closer.

I lived near a beach and ocean for exactly 3 years of my life — Miami Beach, San Francisco and Virginia Beach — and I loved being close to the water.

Living here in this landlocked city of 4 million, sometimes I forget what I’m missing. But I do miss it.

I want a studio on water, overlooking a lake, pond, or even the ocean or everglades. In the highest bit of the house. Perhaps I get there by taking a spiral staircase, or going up through a trap door with a ladder. A studio with pillows and wall hangings, filled with paint, and light and fun. Easels and brushes and brightness. Inspiring paintings, sayings, mood boards, place post cards, surrounding me when I’m there. And a large table on which I work. But floor room to dance, and move and sing and play.

And windows to open so I can hear the water.

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