Wednesday, May 8, 2013


in-progress 12x12 travel-inspired work

I love that I’m feeling pulled to create. It’s feeling more and more like my full-time job is getting in the way. But I enjoy its security, so for now, I’m keeping my day job. Especially since I get to write everyday in my job, which is my first love.

I think because I write everyday and am creative everyday, it has opened me up to other ways to be creative — i.e. painting.  I am all-around fulfilled and it is wonderful. I am grateful.

This morning, I felt the pull again to sit in my studio and play. To finish the paintings that I began on Monday night and progressed last night.

Instead, I took progress shots... iphone photos again. 
Here's where these started.

5x7 fun with molding paste and stencils



8x8 canvas.

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