Wednesday, January 15, 2014

30x30 Project recap

Day 1

After the jump, you'll find the rest of the paintings I did during this project. I learned a lot about my process. I had some goals for this project: (my comments in black)

Here are my goals:
1. COLOR: I want to gain a better understanding of color. Stretch myself to use different colors that I may not be comfortable with right now. Use more than one or two colors on a painting (I tend to stick to few colors, but most of the painters/artists I like use a lot more than that. I want to figure out how to do this, too.) I learned it will take longer than 30 days to learn about color. I did stretch my color spectrum into oranges, greens, and darker blues.

2. EPHEMERA: Use the materials and things I’ve collecting so far in my studio that I may not actually use in one of my canvas pieces. Learn not to be “precious” and “save” things for that painting “one day.” Use it now, enjoy it now. I think I really succeeded using my "stuff", I probably could have done a lot more of this.

3. TYPE: Experiment with hand-lettering and learning typefaces and how to make the font look great by hand, not printing it out or stamping it. I did this, with some success. I'd like to do more.

4. DRAWING: Stretch your drawing muscles Also work on shading and understanding light sources. I think this is one that I could continue to stretch and work on. I did a little drawing and tracing, but no one picture was JUST my drawings.

5. LAYOUTS: try new layouts, techniques, media. Don’t be scared. I don't remember what I meant by "layouts", but I think I really succeeded in working with media and new techniques.

6. Don’t think. Do. I did!

7. Make lots of mistakes! I think my mistakes turned into some of my favorite pieces.

Overall, this was a lot of fun. I learned that usually I like and want to work on more than one piece. It keeps my mind busy and allows me to work fast.
Here are the others:

C'est fini. So much fun!

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