Tuesday, February 3, 2015

hello again. On growth and the classes I'm taking currently.

First lesson from LifeBook 2015

I’ve left you in the lurch for much of last year and the beginning of this year. Yet, I don’t want every entry to be “update” so let’s just say hi and move on. (this post is image heavy, so I've added a jump)

Most likely, I won’t be blogging regularly and I’m okay with that!  If you’d like to follow me on a more regular basis, you can find me on instagram and facebook. I tend to keep up with those more regularly since I can access and post from my phone.

I chose "Acceptance" as my word of 2015 as there are many things that I need to accept that I cannot change, like the fact that after trying all the science! we could find, I cannot have biological children. I am working through the grief of that fact (and did a lot of working through that last year as well), while still dreaming of a family. 'Whatever it takes' is said often in our home. 

I decided to be a part of LifeBook again for 2015 and I cannot say enough good things about this course…well not course but community. It’s incredible. I feel so supported and amazing in this group of people and it means the world to me. My art is growing leaps and bounds and I am truly excited by it all. You can see my beacon of light from the first lesson at the top of this post (I am really proud of her sweet face!). Here are some others:

Week 3 of LifeBook 2015

Week 4 of LifeBook 2015

I'll have to do another update with weeks 2, 5 and 6, because I don't have photos with me. 

I also signed up for a series class called 10x10x10x10 by Donna Downey and I love it. It’s a challenge to stay with one set of colors, one theme over 10 canvases. I bought it in January, and I’m still not finished with my series. So it’s more like a month rather than finishing ten 10x10 canvases in ten days, like she did. I have to wait for things to dry. But it has helped hone my process for getting the look I have achieved on several paintings but didn’t feel like I was able to repeat. This time I am repeating it, and I can feel myself getting more confident.

Here's a few photos of what I've done so far:
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

This was my first go at the series.
I changed my palette/theme after this one b/c
I didn't really like it.

Outside of that, I am working on my lifebook everyday. And even if I’m not working on a lesson, I do try to make one page a day. I don’t try to push, I simply do what I feel led to do by my intuition. Even if it’s just cleaning my stencils and stamps. 

Here are a few art journal pages I've made:

My fertility goddess from
the M3 class by Tamara Laporte

My spirit holding my inner child from M3 class by Tam

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